About us

Who are we?

We started Sustainability Leaders to make a difference and leave a positive mark. When we moved to Sweden in 2011 with our young son, we discovered a safe and calm country. Inspired by the environment around us, we committed to living sustainably and modestly.

Adriana & Andy

Sustainability Leaders is our way of giving back.

By sharing stories of companies actively working for a greener future, we hope to inspire others to follow. We believe that people can create lasting change through the power of example.

As Astrid Lindgren said, “Everything great that happened in the world happened first in someone’s imagination.” By sharing success stories, inspiring one another, and normalizing sustainable practices, we believe we can accelerate the journey toward a greener, sustainable future for generations to come.

Ready to inspire others?

Work with us

Want to join this inspiring group of sustainability champions? Work with us, and let’s share your story with the world. Visit our Work with Us page to learn more about how we can help you become a Sustainability Leader.